General donations
If you would like to donate to our funds you can do so by:
1. Bank transfer and put “FOPP donate” as the reference.
Friends of Princes Park Sort Code 089299 Account Number 65156708 [Co-op Bank]
2. To pay be cheque, make your cheque payable to "Friends of Princes Park" and write Donation on the rear of the cheque. Please post to:FOPP, c/o Katy Gardner 11, Devonshire Road, Liverpool, L8 3TX
If you are able to Gift Aid your donation we would be really grateful if you will sign the form below, print a copy and send to the above address.
Please scroll down for our Voluntary Carbon Offset Contributions.
Thank you for your support!
“The best time to plant thousands of trees was 20 years ago, the second best time is now”. Voluntary carbon offsets are a way of setting some value against the CO2 we personally produce & using that money to work towards minimising more greenhouse gas emissions e.g. by planting trees.
Since Friends of Princes Park was founded 14 years ago we have established 7 native woodland areas, including oak, ash, beech, birch, aspen, mountain ash, apple, pear, thorn, willow and hazel; along with shrubs such as rose-hips and sloe and native wildflowers which naturally colonise the maturing woodland. The plantings have provided additional structure and wildlife habitat within the park whilst contributing to balancing CO2 & oxygen levels in the area. We have been supported in our work by Liverpool City Council, The Mersey Forest and the Woodland Trust.
At present our funds are very low. To maintain the trees we have already planted & trees we would like to plant in the future we need to raise more money. We hope a new Voluntary Carbon Offset Contribution fund raising scheme will build up our funds and we would appreciate any donation no matter how small.
You can estimate your day-to-day footprint -there are many websites with emission calculators, here is an example.
Examples of donations vary but to give an idea:
Average UK annual household emissions - £20 Running a small family car for a year - £20
A return flight for one person to: For example Italy or Spain - £5 New York - £10
You can use a transfer method and put “FOPP VCOC” as the reference. By doing this your donation will be ring fenced for tree planting & maintenance.
Friends of Princes Park Sort Code 089299 Account Number 65156708 [Co-op Bank]
Should you be able to Gift Aid your donation we would be really grateful. You can send your donation by cheque [payable
to “Friends of Princes Park”] or cash & include the slip below to:-
FOPP VCOC, c/o Katy Gardner 11, Devonshire Road, Liverpool, L8 3TX
Thank you for your support -your donation will make a real difference locally.
If you would like to make a donation in Memory of a loved one or good friend then please use the bank details below to transfer your gift which will be very welcome and put to good use. If you would also like to have a short message added to our Thank you page then please send an e-mail using the button on the In Memoriam page, thank you.
Giftaid it I am a UK taxpayer intending tax to be reclaimed by FOPP on the enclosed donation under the Gift Aid scheme. I have read & understood the guidance below.
Full Name …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Home Address…………………………………..………………………………………………………
Postcode …..…………………. Date ………………………………….……
Signature __________________________________
To print this page simply right click anywhere on the page and you should see the option to PRINT. Alternatively, press the Ctrl and P buttons simultaneously to go to the print window.
Charities can reclaim tax paid on donations made by individual taxpayers under the GiftAid scheme. The donor must pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for a tax year [06 April to 05 April] at least equal to the tax repayment claimed on their donations by all the charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs [CASCs] to whom the donor donates in that tax year. Other taxes such as VAT & Council Tax do not qualify.
The Friends of Princes Park do not have membership fees rather we depend on donations and gifts from those who volunteer, live in close proximity to the Park and those who love the Park and wish to support our work. We occasionally receive grants for specific projects and every penny received goes into supporting our work protecting and enhancing the Park’s environment.
If you would like to help us financially please pay direct into our bank with the following details:
Bank: Cooperative Bank Account number: 65156708 Sort code: 089299
Please mark your payment with the following reference: FoPP Website
Thank you!
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