A message from our Chairman Katy Gardner
Hi all.
I am sorry that our planting is still on hold but we do hope to restart in the new year.
I attach our accounts for this year (Year Jan 19-Jan 20 and interim summary ) and our annual report.
Our finances are healthy thanks to donations. This year we have spent less because of Covid but we anticipate getting back to normal soon, including and especially to our proposed planting.
The FOPP exec is:
Chair: Katy Gardner
Secretary: Lis Davidson
Treasurer: Jon Wolf
Marilyn Williams
Pat Bragg
Paul Slater
Fay Carter
All have agreed to stay on for next 12 months. If anyone has any issues with this please let me know.
Toni Williamson, who does our social media has agreed to join the exec this year, which is great.
If any other FOPP members would like to join the exec , or if you would like to nominate someone please email me at katyagardner@btinternet.com. We probably have space for 2 more members. Joining does mean committing to being actively involved in the admin and business and organisation of FOPP, now more than ever. We are meeting virtually or in the park or on zoom or by email.
Give the unusual circumstances we hope you will support us in not holding formal elections at present.
Other things:
attach a photo by Tracy Dunn of a fly agaric in our copse and also of the swans
when they were reunited in the park, by Tana. Both pictures can be found on the gallery page.
Finally artist Sumuyya (of Granby Workshop) has produced a print of Princes Park recently. Prints available from the website: https://sumuyya.bigcartel.com/
Scroll down on the website to see it. It includes the swans.
All the best
Katy Gardner
Chair FOPP
Reports can be found at https://friendsofprincesparkl8.org.uk/about-fopp/the-friends